Please add search and sort for share pages. by date, by tags, by title and abstract. Thank you!
@Bob_Adler, I’ve added your +1 to the topic on our tracker, although this will likely be a part of the much-anticipated overhaul of our sharing system. More details of those plans on this survey about sharing.
Sort w/i in a shared PP library is the helpful request. When a shared folder is created and shared (sent a link) w/ a person who does not have PP installed, they do not have any option to sort by any means. The receive a static web page. Sorting would be > appreciated.
While on the sharing subject, it’d be appreciated tp increase the # of references displayed on a shared static page vs have folks need to nav thru next page, next page. Perhaps a a default of 25 with an pulldown of ‘select # of references to show on a page’ would be an a welcome addition to the UX
Keep up the good work! TY and HNY!
Thanks for the further feedback, @Bob_Adler! There should be good news on this front by spring 2023 – the team has been hard at work rewriting our entire webapp and extension, which will also include the sharing overhaul I mentioned above.