Suggestion for Notion hook

While Paperpile’s PDF reader/annotator is excellent, I find that it is missing capability for taking full-page notes. I am instead creating pages in Notion that correspond to papers in my library and am including links between the two.

I think it would be really useful to automate this bridge. For example, there could be a button for each paper to generate a new page in a Notion database for that paper. You could autofill some basic properties in the page (e.g. title, authors, date, paperpile/paper link). And you could add the link to the Notion page in the paperpile metadata.

Thoughts? Do others find this useful?


Thanks for the nice feedback, @apoorvkh. We’ve received several requests throughout the years to integrate with Notion and other writing tools so it’s definitely a direction we’re headed towards. Adding your +1 to the topic on our tracker!


I’m doing exactly the same! Having an automated function to do that would be great.


Just flagging this for your attention – the Notion API is now public.


+1 would be great to sync them up. May I also suggest tags/labels as an additional item.


A good stand-in until this is added to Paperpile.

jmuchovej/paperpile-notion: Integrating Paperpile with Notion Databases :arrows_counterclockwise: ( (I put my own fork because I’m working on expanding the capabilities of the original repository – and adding author <-> paper relations, among other things.)

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Circling back to let you know I’ve since published a preliminary version of this on pip. Do let me know of any issues and the like over on the repository. :slight_smile:


Yes, this is exactly what I need. However in the interim, the ability to export a properly formatted Word Doc would enable notion import. Still a bit of a pain, but would be much easier then the current workflow. I just posted this elsewhere, but currently copying and pasting between three apps:

Paperpile RTF export > copy
paste google doc
google doc export word doc
word doc import into notion

I second this feature. Also check out Maya Gosztyla’s article on using Notion to track paper reading and notes. She uses a Zotero integration, but it would be awesome if there were one for Paperpile.

I’m here because of that article too! Bump bump.

@sisichen and @Emma_Patterson, welcome to the forum, and thank you for drawing this article to our attention :slight_smile: Right now, we are prioritizing testing of the rewrite of the web app, but Notion integration is planned for the future (see our roadmap).

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I took inspiration from @jmuchovej’s repository and wrote a simple (~250 python lines) GitHub action that syncs your new/updated paperpile papers to a notion database of your choice. Syncs are automatically triggered, no need to use the command line.

It’s available here, incl. setup instructions:



Is this still working with any updates that Notion has made? I’ve tried both “Use this template>create a new repository” as well as creating a new fork. Paperpile will sync to Github but Github will not sync to Notion.

Yes, it still works well. Follow the steps in the readme to create a database and integration.

Ok, thanks. I feel like I followed the instructions exactly, but I’ve obviously missed something.

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Did you figure it out? I am having issues as well. It syncs to github but not to Notion. I can give it another try but I also feel like I followed the instructions exactly

@Bill, No I haven’t got this working. I’ve reviewed the instructions multiple times as well as deleted everything and starting again.

Hey all,

I tried to use @seba1511’s repository, but unfortunately couldn’t get it working. So, I forked it and made some modifications:

You may want to try this instead! This should be stable (it has been working for me for a few months continuously), but, until I saw this conversation, I wasn’t planning on releasing it until later (i.e. was going to add more features and test a bit more). Feel free to open Github issues if you encounter any problems!

Thanks! I am not able to get it to work either

This is the error I seem to be getting

Run python -m paperpile_to_notion

13Traceback (most recent call last):

14 File “/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.16/x64/lib/python3.9/”, line 197, in _run_module_as_main

15 return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,

16 File “/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.16/x64/lib/python3.9/”, line 87, in _run_code

17 exec(code, run_globals)

18 File “/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.16/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paperpile_to_notion/”, line 116, in

19 main()

20 File “/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.16/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paperpile_to_notion/”, line 48, in main

21 notion_entries = [

22 File “/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.16/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paperpile_to_notion/”, line 49, in

23 {

24 File “/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.16/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paperpile_to_notion/”, line 50, in

25 c[“notion_property”]: notion.get_property(

26 File “/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.16/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/paperpile_to_notion/utils/”, line 70, in get_property

27Loading config from data_config.csv …

28Parsing references.bib …

29Querying Notion DB …

30 content = p[“title”][0][“text”][“content”]

31IndexError: list index out of range

32Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

It’s likely because something in your setup is incorrect. Somebody else had an issue but got it working after correcting their configuration. I suggest trying again and following the directions carefully, but it’s probably best to post any issues you have with this on Github.