I was wondering if there are plans to provide integrating Paperpile with Apple Pages. I use Pages extensively and it will be a great benefit.
Welcome to our forum, @amraichur! We don’t have plans to support Pages, but we do have plans to support any word processing software with a workflow of inserting citation placeholders and processing the document at the end. Adding your +1 to the topic on our internal tracker.
ok. thanks for the information. How about Mellel?
Vicente, please add my +1 to the topic. Many thanks.
Hi Vicente, any progress on this? thanks!
…I tried googling the citation placeholder thing you mentioned, but can’t find it yet… Any news on when it will be available?
Welcome to the forum, @Bibi_van_den_Berg! We’ve no news to share on Apple Pages integration yet but your +1 has been added to our internal feature tracker.
As a workaround, you can select references in your library, click Cite > Citation to copy the formatted bibliography to the clipboard, and then paste them into your Pages document.
please, add me to this request, too.