Support for PDF annotations

Sure. Here you go…

Please add me!

I’m also interested in checking out the new viewer. Can I be added as well?

You’ve been added.

I’ve added you.

I would love to be added as well.

I’ve added you.

Hi Stefan,
Would you mind to add me as well, please?

Hi Stefan, I’d also appreciate being added. Thanks!

I would also like to try out the new feature. Thanks

I’ve added you. The current version online is still the very first one. We’ve fixed a lot in the meantime but it should be good enough to get a first idea what it is all about.

I’ve also added you.

Can i get access to the pdf annotation beta? Thx.


could you please invite me to this thread? I’d like to test this as well.



Sure, but please be aware of that this is an early beta.

I’ve added you.

Hi @stefan,
Please add me in!

Sorry, did I forget you? In any case, you should have access now.

Hi @stefan , Can you add me also to the beta testing. Thanks a lot

@Yassine_Benhajali I’ve added you. Please provide feedback positive or negative.