Timeline for citing from shared libraries?

I understand if you are not able to say anything about upcoming features, but anyway… is there a rough timeline for when the Word plug-in will be able to be used to cite items from shared libraries? Are we talking weeks or a year?

I am starting a couple of co-authored projects and it would be great if we could use Paperpile - but again I fully get that you might not be able to give any information.

Thank you for your question, @nhultin. Rewriting the citation plugins is a top priority for our product team. The new citation plugin will appear first in Google Docs in the coming months and Word will follow thereafter. The updates will introduce many new features, including the ability to cite from shared folders and shared libraries.

Is there an alpha version that people could try and are willing to use even with some bugs to report. I have a group that would be eager to try.