Two page view and horizontal scroll

Firstly, thank you for all your great work and evident commitment to your user base.

PDF annotator looks great with dark mode! ! :orange_heart:

Personally, I feel that the inclusion of display options such as multi-page view and horizontal scroll would GREATLY enhance the reading and annotation workflow. Especially with 16:9 and ultrawide displays becoming the norm.

Anyone agree? Perhaps this could be added in the next update!

Thank you!! :pray:



I’d love this feature (two page view, although in my case still vertical scroll). I recently started using paperpile/pdf viewer and its one thing that I miss from my local PDF viewer (zathura).

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Hi Team, this is a really useful feature that could stand out from all other shabby pdf viewers and could make reader’s lives much easier. It makes reading while scrolling even fun to do on any electronic device, even more fun than reading a real book. In addition, Google Chrome already included this feature in its new update. (

Is there a possibility that you would support this feature soon?



Here seems to be the feature added to chromium, not sure if it is of any help here.

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@Sean-Lee, @pedro, @ZugunruheKami - thank you for the requests. Just confirming this is already on our internal tracker with your feedback included for the team to consider over future reviews. It might also be relevant to point out both two-page view and horizontal scrolling are available via our mobile apps :+1:t4:


That’s indeed great to hear! It’s inspiring that this feature could attract some attention for users / developers for future development as it had been pretty popular and standard with PDF-readers. Thanks for making this already happen in the mobile version. I would try that more often than now for sure :slight_smile:

I didn’t know about Chrome’s new feature. Thanks for sharing !!!

It’s ALL about the two-page scroll l!!!


Any news on this? Can we expect a two-page view at any point soon?

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No news on this front @Marcos_Assis, as we are currently prioritizing other features on our roadmap: Roadmap - Paperpile
However, we track all feature requests, so your +1 for two-page view has been added to our tracker.

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Two-page view function in the mobile function is wonderful!
Is there the same function for the webapp?
I could not find one.
It is very appreciated if you can implement two-page view function for the webapp, too.
Since the screen for the webapp (PC) is larger than that of the mobile app, two-page view function is more important for the webapp.


Updates/improvements for our web PDF viewer are scheduled for later this year, at which point this will be considered :pray:t4:


Thanks for the update. It’s unfortunate the feature request has languished for a couple years, so thought I should mention if improvements don’t come soon to the web PDF viewer, I’ll likely abandon the web PDF viewer in favor of an alternative (e.g., annotate PDFs on local versions via Google Drive, using more fully featured annotation software like Skim/Preview). I’d mention that if the web viewer can’t import these, then moving back to the web viewer would be difficult.

Are there any updates on two-page view or multipage view for the webapp? That’s where I read most of my PDFs on a large screen, so having a two page layout would be fantastic!

Thanks for all of your hard work on the app in general!


+1 to two page view.
Is the only reason I’m not using the built-in PDF viewer vs. Chrome’s right now.

Thank you for all your hard work!