Unformat or reverse formatted document?

Once a document is formatted based on a citation style, is it possible to reverse the formatting and have the original unformatted document?

At the moment it’s not possible. But it has been suggested several times already and we will consider adding it. We will make a push with new features for Google Docs together with our new add-on which is currently in beta.

Thanks for considering this option. I just found myself trying to figure out a way to do the exact same thing so this would be very appreciated!

That’s now possible with our new Google Docs Addon: https://workspace.google.com/marketplace/app/paperpile/894076725911

@andreas Did this feature get lost?

I’m not seeing it on my end either

I could not find “Unformatted citations” with the abovementioned linked add-in.

Make sure you’ve installed the add-on from that link, then open it via the top menu option “Add-ons” in Google Docs. Grouping it all in the screenshot below for clarity:

As you see, once the sidebar is open, just click the gear icon :gear: > Unformat citations.


Thank you! You just saved me!

The link for the add on does not work for me; I get a 404 page. Any current tips here?

Thanks for the notification! The link is now updated here and in other forum threads.

If you used “Track Changes” or saved different versions of the document, you might be able to revert to an earlier, unformatted version. This source has some other possible solutions, just make sure that you follow them step by step in order to avoid losing your data for good.