Viewer with annotations: Annotation of PDF causes automatic scroll to previous page

Greetings, it appears there is an issue with annotation of PDFS within the ‘viewer with annotations’ while viewing pdfs within Paperpile. Creation of hilights occurs correctly. However, whenever ANY annotation is selected (either a hilight or a comment), the document is scrolled to the previous page. This occurs when mouse selecting either a hilight or a comment annotation and also when creating a comment annotation (since the comment annotation is selected when making a comment). This is a particularly annoying bug. I hope I’ve provided enough information to be helpful in it’s resolution. I’m uncertain if this bug is reporduced on other plaltforms/browsers.

Browser: Google Chrome 64.0.3282.167.
Platform: Mac OSX 10.13.3


Thank you for reporting this. We have a fix in the works for an upcoming version of the PDF viewer.