What is the best way to specify Kindle Edition for correct Turabian output?

I have seen some variance in the way Kindle ebooks should be noted in Turabian. But according to http://www.press.uchicago.edu/books/turabian/turabian_citationguide.html it should be appended to the end of the page number in a footnote, and to the end of the bibliographic entry.

1. Isabel Wilkerson, The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration (New York: Vintage, 2010), 183–84, Kindle.
Wilkerson, Isabel. The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration. New York: Vintage, 2010. Kindle.

What would be the best way to achieve this in Paperpile working with Google Docs?

I tried the “edition” field, but that shows up after the title.
I tried the ad-hoc “suffix”, which worked great for the footnote, but didn’t appear in the bibliography.

It would be easy enough just to include “, Kindle” after the page/location #, but I am not sure how to make it appear in the Bibliography.

Thanks in advance for any tips.
And great product so far.

Like all modern reference managers we take the citation styles from from the Citation Style Language repository (https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles). I had a look at the Turabian CSL file there and it seems that this use case is not implemented. Tweaking that file to address this issue would help the whole community.

From our side we will have a look if it is also possible to bring the “suffix” to the bibliography, but ideally an updated Turabian CSL file would be the better solution.

Thank you for the reply. Yes I am excited about the benefits of the CSL.

Has a solution been introduced for this? How do I edit a PaperPile entry so that “Kindle” appears where it should in both the footnote and the bibliography?

David, I’ve replied to your query on the new thread you started :+1:t4: