Tagging and starring from within the Metapdf tab

Would it possible for you to the ability to add labels and give the pdf a star from within the MetaPDF app. I’m loving this new integration so far, but as I read through the pdf file it would be really useful to be able to add whichever labels were relevant as I was reading rather than having to go back to the Paperpile tab to add them there. Likewise, if the paper appears worthy of a star, it would be great to add it straightaway.

If this could be done, could the idea be extended to adding a label to individual annotation or highlight?


Pease! I’m desperate for this as I want to be able to tag while I’m thinking of it or my ADHD says “Obviously that wasn’t important!”


Thanks for the ping here as well, @Kayla_Morgan – I’ve added your +1 to the topic on our tracker. A full rewrite of our viewer is planned (once we’ve implemented everything currently on the roadmap) and this will definitely be considered.