Add Citation Count to Papers

Dear Paperpile team,

would it be possible to add a citation count for each paper to the web and device apps? I mean it is such an important metric for us researchers, still most reference managers don’t come with it. Would be great if I didn’t need to search for each paper the citation count in google scholar. This would definitely improve my user experience dramatically.

Kind regards,

Hi @EpicPinkPengun, thank you for your request. This feature isn’t currently planned, and this forum post goes into why. In sum, there isn’t a publicly available source of data available that the team can use to implement ongoing citation counts. If that changes, the team can consider implementing it.

In the meantime, you can select a reference and click on Cited By:

and that will open up a dialog showing the number of articles citing that reference:

Has the team thought about using the SemanticScholar API for citation counts?
From their license I think it’s okay for a company to use it (I’m not able to make a link to the license0