Chapters linked to Parent Entry

Is it possible for book chapters to be linked to the original book entry in Paperpile as a “parent” item, so that they could share the same PDF for example?

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Welcome to our forum, @ashleyv! This is not possible at the moment but improvements for book chapter reference management are definitely on our radar so I have added your +1 to the topic on our tracker. Significant changes for our extension and interface are currently in beta (click to join/test) and will bring us closer to more easily considering/implementing topics like this one. We expect to roll out to the public by this summer.

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Wanted to add my second to this sort of feature. There are many times when I wish I had the ability to cite a chapter from a book and the entire book separately, at least in terms of footnotes vs. bibliography documentation. It would also make it easier to organize the entries in Paperpile itself.