Citing Japanese Books/Papers in English - APA 6th Edition

I am trying to cite Japanese books and papers in an article I am writing in English using the APA 6th edition style. The format of the reference uses the transliteration or translation of the Japanese first followed by the original Japanese. The citation in the text uses the English transliteration only. You can find an explanation of this at:

I can get this style working properly for everything in the reference except for the name. For instance, I get the following reference:

Abe, M., & 阿部真大. (2011). The sociology of Ibasho: Beyond living in hardship 居場所の社会学:生きづらいを超えて . Tokyo 東京: Nikkei Publishing Inc. 日本経済新聞社出版社.

What I need is the first complete name for the author, instead of just the initial and without the “&” - as it is the same person (the bold below):

Abe, Masahiro 阿部真大. (2011). The sociology of Ibasho: Beyond living in hardship 居場所の社会学:生きづらいを超えて . Tokyo 東京: Nikkei Publishing Inc. 日本経済新聞社出版社.

I need the have the citation in the text mention just the English “Abe”:

Abe (2011) describes Ibasho as …

The rest of the citations and references in English should follow the proper APA 6th edition style.

Is there a way that I can do this for papers/books that are written in the Japanese language?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

Darren McDonald

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I think you wrap the name in curly brackets like this : {Abe, Masahiro 阿部真大}. Does that work?

earlier discussion: Handling Chinese names when initials are shown?

Thank you @Kerim. Your suggestion works great! :slight_smile:

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