One thing I miss in Paperpile is a more compact view of my papers.
Currently inside a folder, I can see a total of 8 papers vertically, if I turn my screen by 90° I can see 12 papers. Thus, it requires a lot of scrolling to get through the library and it is difficult to get a good overview.
For a typical entry, there are 2 lines of title, 1 line authors, 1 line conference, year, type, and folder, 1 line icons; some entries may have 4 lines of title and another line or two for labels. Then again, on a regular 19:10 screen, most of the right side is empty. Also, most of the right side inside the entry above the “view pdf” button is empty.
Are there any thoughts on either adapting the view as it is, or introducing a more compact view as an addition?
I could for example imagine combining the labels and the buttons on the right side of the entry. Right now, labels are scattered throughout the screen, as they start at the end of the title. If you right align them separately, it would also look less chaotic and it gets much easier to quickly grasp what you see.
Alternatively, a compact view could show the papers in a tabular form. I currently implement this by making my own Google Sheet, where I can also sort more easily. But this is a pain in the .