Dark theme for web app

Would be great to have a dark theme or dark mode for the web app to reduce eye strain !

Great example in the Docker documentation: https://docs.docker.com/


This is definitely on our radar!


Dark Reader https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dark-reader/eimadpbcbfnmbkopoojfekhnkhdbieeh?hl=en

Does a pretty good job on Paperpile for me.


Seems not to work in the Paperpile PDF viewer.

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The viewer is a chrome extension page and as such the darkreader extension can’t interact with it. You’ll have to wait for Paperpile to add a dark theme.


+1 for this feature - as I stare at paperpile at the end of a loong day of work.

Y’all Keep up the good work



Paperpile changed how its extension worked and now darkreader works at least for the main paperpile page… and there’s a dark theme for the reader! It doesn’t invert the PDF though… hopefully one day.


Good, I like this topic, have a nice day

The dark mode for iOS and Android is so good that I switch from PC to my iPad to read at nights :sunglasses:. It would be great if we could have the same quality dark mode on web.


Any updates on dark mode for PP web app?

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In follow up, I think dark theme is an important accessibility issue (I have an eye condition off and on where I get significant photophobia - anything other than a dark screen in a dark room is literally painful). I hope PP can prioritize dark themes for the web interface, the pdf, and the mobile app soon.

Meanwhile - workarounds:
To invert the web app, you can go to edge://flags/#enable-force-dark and select force dark mode.

To invert the pdf on a mac involves a significant workaround - download the highlights app which supports dark mode for the pdf content, and the google drive app to sync all the pdfs from PP onto the hard drive. To open a pdf, instead of doing so from the web app, press command-space to open spotlight and type the author and title- which allows you to open the pdf on the desktop in dark mode. When you close the file, it updates in google drive, and then in the PP web app. Clunky… but works most of the time


Here are some alternative options.

For quick toggle of dark mode on google docs you can use this chrome add-on: Google Docs Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store

For most other sites, including Paperpile (though not forum) this works pretty well: Lunar Reader - Dark Theme & Night Shift Mode - Chrome Web Store

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It doesn’t work on pdf viewer.

@Tianyu_Li - as we discussed via chat, dark mode on our web viewer does not darken the PDF page. This is already possible on our mobile apps and planned for web - your +1 is now on the topic on our tracker.

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Thank you for replying. However, I am not a mac user. If you could have some solutions for the Windows user, it will be great!

Check out Foxit or Xodo. I haven’t tried either recently but seems like either is an option. Either way, you would need to open the pdf in their apps rather than the default PP pdf reader- I imagine making either win’s default app for opening PDFs would do the trick.


+1 for a built-in dark mode

Personally referring to the reference manager more than the PDF viewer, but both would be nice to have.


+1 for this!

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+1 for this feature. plz plz plz

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Another +1 for color inversion of pdfs in dark mode, at least as an option.