Detachable Notes tab

Just some thoughts on a potential feature.

I tend to use the notes section of each paper to summarise my thoughts as I read. It would be fantastic to have an ‘open in new window’ option that breaks off the notes editor as its own window that can be resized like in Zotero. This would mean we could take notes without the rest of the paperpile interface taking up screen real-estate and allow us to have the notes open while browsing through our saved papers. Thanks for all the work you do on this app and your fantastic community engagement.

Generally speaking it would be good to have the notes tool more fleshed out all though I accept i may be in the minority of people who use it extensively.


Welcome to our forum, @Alex_Drew! Versions of this request have come up before, and we do have concrete plans to flesh out / improve our note-taking functionality (check out the first item on our roadmap). The topic is scheduled to be prioritized once the other features marked as ‘Started’ are implemented, hopefully by the end of this year.