"duplicate" option in the beta version

Hi, I have been using the beta version for a while. But since yesterday, the “duplicate” function under the filter does not work anymore. When I click on it, it shows “not available in this beta”. Is this normal?

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Welcome to the forum and thank you for your question, @featherstar. Some users experienced issues with the new Paperpile duplicates filter, so the team has disabled the feature in the beta for now. To view and merge duplicates, please go directly to https://paperpile.com/app and the old Paperpile will load.

Please note that you still can use the old Paperpile side-by-side with the new web app to merge duplicates, access shared folders and check your payment method in Settings. You don’t need to switch back completely to the old app to do those things.

Hi @suzanne, thanks for getting back! Got it! Thanks a lot.

While using the duplicate function in the beta version, I also had some issues… When I tried to merge the files that has pdfs, the pdf would disappear after merging. Also, it was not clear what were the fields they were trying to merge…Hope this helps with the new development.

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Thanks for the follow up, @featherstar and the feedback on merging. The team are already aware of the issues in the merging dialog and so have disabled it in the new Paperpile. It will be updated in a future release of the new web app.

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Hi Suzanne,
Thanks for the update. It has been about a month now. Is there any further update on this? Removing duplicates really is core functionality. Without it, I find myself switching between stable and beta multiple times per day (and I am not sure if that could cause any other issues that aren’t immediately apparent).
Kind regards,

We realize that the duplicates feature is a core functionality @ajn, so it will return in a future release of the beta Paperpile. If you regularly need to detect/merge duplicates, we recommend you switch back fully to the old Paperpile, where these features are working and stable.

Please note that you can open the old app side-by-side with the new app to find and merge duplicates, access your shared folders, share references by email, and look up your account details in Settings: if you go directly to https://paperpile.com/app the old Paperpile will load. You don’t need to fully switch back to the old Paperpile via the Switch back button in the new app to merge duplicates, if this is what you mean by switching back multiple times per day. However, if merging and duplicate detection are features you need to use often, I recommend switching back to the old app completely for now.

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Hi Suzanne,
Many thanks for the thoughtful and constructive reply.
So to confirm, it’s okay to run Stable and Beta simultaneously in different browsers? Do you feel confident this won’t cause corruption or other data mishandling?
If so, then that is definitely a workaround for me in the interim.
Many thanks,

Yes, it is okay to run the old Paperpile and beta new Paperpile web apps in different tabs on the same browser or to run them in different browsers @ajn. Some things to be aware of: 1) if you merge duplicates and you choose a custom BibTeX citation key pattern in the new app, the BibTeX citation keys also merge and have to be reset in the new app 2) if you merge duplicates in the old app and search for the merged reference in the new, attachments don’t appear in the reference list, even though they are not lost (this bug will be fixed in the next release of the new app).