Importing or recreating a style

Help! I am getting desperate…
I need a style for Frontiers in Bioscience.
I checked and zotero.
Tried to edit the citations style - I don’t see there a way to place the initials before the last name. I am getting nowhere.

Here is the style

  1. B Karl, P Thomas: Molecular and cellular adaptation of muscle in response to exercise. Physiol Rev 23, 520-535 (1995)

  2. B Marks, P Goll. Skeletal muscle adaptability: significance for metabolism and performance. In: Handbook of Physiology, Sect 10 Skeletal muscle. Eds: LD Peachey, RH Norbert, SR Finn Bethesda, Maryland (1981)

In text citation (1).

Here is the desired style definitions in Endnote and Bibhex.
EndNote styles for Frontiers in Bioscience can be downloaded at

BibTeX style for Frontiers in Bioscience can be downloaded at

48 hours later, I am becoming an expert in reference styles, still not being able to satisfy the journal - Frontiers in Bioscience.
Here is my second thread on the same topic.

Please help!

In the relevant author macro set name-as-sort-order to blank. This should place the initials in front of the last name.

Great, thank you much!
I have overcome this part.
Now editing the rest of the style.

I have made a style for Frontiers in Bioscience,
the result is almost good, except for a few quirks.

  1. It needs double spacing.
  2. It adds a space to the publisher.
  3. I am not sure how it behaves on all types of references.

The graphical editor does not allow fixing the style, I had to edit the raw CSL.
It was very difficult to edit the raw CSL without the instructions.
I would appreciate if someone could make the proper fixed style - I will need it for the final journal submission.