Does paperpile addon on browser work with Microsoft office 365? Can we manage citation just by having the addon in the bowser while working online.
Our extension & sidebar add-on are exclusive to Google Docs for now, and our Word plugin only runs as a desktop app (not for Word online).
We do have plans to support any word processing software via a workflow of inserting citation placeholders and processing the document at the end. No precise timeline for this yet, but I’m adding your +1 to the topic on our tracker to raise its priority.
Having paperpile usable on Microsoft 365 would be extremely helpful as my institution has switched from gmail to outlook.
Any updates on when a 365 integration would take place?
No update on 365 integration @Fr_David_Elias, as we are currently prioritizing the rewrite of the web app. I have added your +1 to our internal tracker for consideration in the future.
Hi, whether Paperpile is working to support the office 365 word files? Most of the institutions are shifting now to office features.
For this reason, I recently cancelled my Paperpile account for auto future subscriptions.
@Giriraj_Sahu welcome to the forum! Thank you for your feedback, which I’ve shared with the dev team. I’m sorry to hear that lack of Office 365 support has caused you to cancel your Paperpile account. While I can’t promise a timeline for Office 365 integration, we know that having support for it is important to many Paperpile users, so it is definitely on our radar for the future.
I’m also +1ing Paperpile addition to Microsoft 365 (Sharepoint) since our company is also shifting out of Google docs.
Any update on this integration of Paperpile with Office 365? As Office 365 is becoming much better and more widespread, this is becoming more and more needed.
No updates to share yet on this front, @Jose-Luis_Jimenez – the matter is yet to be prioritized. Significant changes for our extension and interface are currently in beta and will bring us closer to more easily considering/implementing requests like this one.
has there been any updates on 365 integration?
Vicente, any progress with that?
No progress to report here yet, unfortunately. Things will be clearer once we manage to get the new web app fully up and running, which should finally happen this year.
@vincente it is a huge missing, I am consulting for many large organization and would have loved to implement Paperpile, but the none-integration, no-commitment to any integration for Office 365 is a no-go. That is not +1 - you are missing out on thousands of potential users.
Just want to add my plus one to this as well. Our institution has also switched over to microsoft, so this has become a much higher priority for me as well. Now that the web app is running, and update on timeline?
Adding +1 for microsoft 365 integration. i’m working with my advisor on my dissertation proposal and he prefers word and it’s made adding references from paperpile challenging.
+1 on this - OS 365 is used across my organisation and nationally across instiutions as a means of collaborating on research - its becoming more and more of a critical feature and (having used paperpile for many years) likely to lead to me changing to an alternative if not implemented. Any update?
Adding my vote in favor of this. As much as I would love for research collaborators (especially in Science) to switch to Overleaf or Google, Word 365 is still really, really ubiquitous.
Any update on paperpile for online word? We have shifted to ms365.
+1 for this. Big barrier for use at the moment