Webrecorder and personal archiving

Paperpile is fantastic for maintaining a bibliography and downloading papers in PDF format. For blog articles, news articles, and other pages, there is the “webpage” citation type that is nice, but no way to automate capturing the page (that I’ve found.)

The set of tools available at https://webrecorder.net/ provides a standards-compliant method of archiving a webpage (or collection of pages) similar to the Internet Archive. Although it probably isn’t within the scope of paperpile to implement this functionality, it would be nice if the two could be tied together (its available as a chrome extension too.)

Here are some references:

Guide to Archiveweb.page. In: archiveweb.page User Guide [Internet]. 8 Feb 2022 [cited 1 Apr 2023]. Available: Guide to Archiveweb.page - archiveweb.page User Guide

Maemura E. All WARC and no playback: The materialities of data-centered web archives research. Big Data & Society. 2023;10: 20539517231163172. doi:10.1177/20539517231163172

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Welcome to our forum, @enb! Thanks for the feedback and resources – the request has come up before and is on our radar, so I’ve added your +1 to the topic on our internal tracker. Significant changes for our extension and interface are currently in beta and will bring us closer to more easily considering/implementing requests like this one. Check out our roadmap to see what’s on the pipeline.