Either because I imported old papers from Mendeley or forgot to tag them when importing, it takes a long time to search for each paper I cited to check it before submitting manuscripts for publication.
Would it be possible to have a link in the Google Docs/Word plugins to direct to the Paperpile browser app, where all the literature in the document is filtered and shown?
The only thing that comes close to this, is “View all references” for Docs but this is severely limited and does not link back to my library.
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Thanks for the request, Constantinos. The topic has come up a few times throughout the years - check out this old thread, this newer one, and this post. I believe this is complicated to implement but it’s definitely a demanded feature we would love to include and will continue considering moving forward.
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Maybe a simple checkmark
can solve this?
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For people who get here through googling, this feature has been added with Paperpile 0.7.0
New ways to manage the references in a Word document (go to the new "Document settings"):
Import or change ownership of all references in a Word document.
**Add all references in a document to a label/folder in your Paperpile library.**
Export all references in a document to a RIS or BibTeX file.
Many thanks to the amazing Paperpile team!