Integration with OneDrive

Many universities offer OneDrive as a cloud storage solution and being able to store PaperPile PDFs (and easily upload PDFs from OneDrive) would have a huge impact on the utility of PaperPile. I know this has been mentioned before in threads not devoted to OneDrive, I just wanted to formally submit a +1 for this feature as it’s claimed to not be one of the most requested.


Since Google drive also available to all of us. You put OneDrive, and others say Dropbox. There is no need to get too many “drives” involved if they do not have enough time. Personally, I think which cloud storage is not the top priority.

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Welcome to the forum, @Joshua_Atkinson! I’ve added your +1 to the topic on our tracker - it has come up consistently throughout the years, although not as much as other matters currently being prioritized.

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I have a team of 6 people at the university and the only thing stopping me from getting Paperpile licence to everyone is the lack of OneDrive support. I don’t want invest in paperpile and Google storage when the university is providing the OneDrive storage for free.


good point, Alper. We all know how quickly 15 GB fills up with pdf’s of articles. I’ve got over 11000 papers and am almost hitting 1 GB, so I will probably max out the 15GB sometime in the next 20 years or so

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Have to disagree with that notion. Academics are among the biggest users for Paperpile and there can be a number of security reasons as to why one might prefer one cloud storage service to another. Amongst my collaborators, the top two services that universities tend to have a tenant plan are Google and MS 365 (OneDrive). Having at least MS 365/OneDrive support would be highly welcomed.


I’m using a Google Workspaces account to keep my Paperpile library and the recently revised storage limits posed by Google has severely crippled my usage. I guess I’ll have to create a fresh Google account just for Paperpile, although I prefer to keep my data on a paid tier.

But even then, scientific results these days are no longer just papers. There’s a trend towards including more rich supplemental information like videos of experiments, etc. I’d like to keep them attached to their respective Paperpile entry and this takes up a lot of space. Not to mention the number of digital textbooks I have in my collection. 15GB won’t cut it for me.

As @vicente pointed out, OneDrive support has been consistently requested for quite some time now as far back as 2016 but I’m shocked to learn that Paperpile still doesn’t think this is worth doing compared to other planned features. I’ve tried to +1 where ever I can for the past 5 years or so, but it sounds like I’ll probably have to go back to Zotero where I can use my own lab’s WebDAV (or connect to other cloud storage solutions). There are a number of things Paperpile is very good at (one-off sharing of papers to colleagues, excellent filter options, and fetching of metadata), but the lack of OneDrive support combined with Google Workspace’s reduction in storage makes it harder for me to continue with Paperpile.


I’d like to add a +1 as well


+1 from me - I really want to move my team at work (a corporate) onto paperpile, but it will be much easier to convince IT if onedrive is supported as this is what the business cloud storage is based around.


I think it is definitely time to raise this in the priority list. OneDrive has quickly become a dominant platform for academics and Google products are not progressing in this domain.


It is a good point indeed. Like other mentioned, the University gives free accounts (where I am) of OneDrive, and so my work is on this platform.

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+1 Our workplace is entirely Office 365/OneDrive-based, so although I loveeee everything about PaperPile, it’s a barrier to us adopting it more broadly.


@Suman_Rawat welcome to the forum! Paperpile doesn’t currently integrate with OneDrive. We know this feature would be extremely helpful for users, so we do plan to implement OneDrive integration in the future.


Susana, me alegro que ya lo estén planeando. En nuestra institución de educación superior nos cambiamos a OneDrive desde ahora (por los cambios y limitaciones en el almacenamiento), contábamos con licencias de PaperPile que permitía sincronización con las cuentas de Google, actualmente ya no usaríamos PaperPile porque no se integra con la nueva plataforma de Office 365. Esperamos que lo más pronto posible puedan implementar las mismas funciones a la plataforma de MS.

That’s good to hear. Any timeline estimate available?

¡Bienvenida a nuestro foro, @Jennifer_Kath! Gracias por dejarnos saber. Antes de mediados de este año será posible usar Paperpile con cualquier tipo de correo (no sólo Google). Aunque la integración con otros proveedores de almacenamiento como OneDrive está planeada, aún no hemos podido priorizar el tema por lo cual aún no hay fecha prevista. Compartiremos cualquier actualización al respecto por esta vía.

No timeline estimate to share yet, @kurisu. When we have an update, we’ll be sure to report back on this thread.

Hurry please!


That will be great if it integrates with OneDrive

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Google Drive is not avaiable in China. Please allow Onedrive. It has been years for the request of this feature. Thanks!