Problems Inserting Citation in Google Doc

When I try to insert a citation in Google Docs, I get the Insert Link dialogue box from Chrome. I see the problem was first addressed in March 21. And a fix was created in version 1.5.246.

However, this is now 2024 and I’ve never had this problem before today. How can I fix it?


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Welcome to the forum @Anita_Blanchard! We haven’t received any reports of this issue recently. First, make sure you are logged into Paperpile by visiting, then reload the Google Docs tab. After than please try reloading the Paperpile extension by going to the dots menu in Chrome, selecting Extensions > Manage Extensions, and switching the Paperpile extension toggle off and on. Please let us know how that goes.

You can also install the Google Docs sidebar add-on and use it to insert citations by going to Extensions > Paperpile > Manage citations in Google Docs, selecting the references in the add-on, and clicking Update citations and bibliography.

We’ve received a few more reports of this issue overnight @Anita_Blanchard. There is a Google Docs update of a link insertion dialog that is being gradually rolled out. As you pointed out, the same thing happened in 2021 and it took a few days to address.The team is working on a fix and we will keep you updated.

In the meantime, the Google Docs sidebar add-on is working normally and can be used as an alternative for inserting citations.

Thank you! I figured out how to use the Sidebar and I hope to heck it’s a solution for this proposal due tonight!!

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Good luck with your proposal, @Anita_Blanchard. If you have any issues with the sidebar add-on, please contact us via the in app chat or email

Just chiming in to say that I’m running into the same problem. I click the paperpile icon and the link box comes up. Clicking a second or more times, nothing happens.

I can use the sidebar for now, but I can confirm this bug popped up between yesterday and today.

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I’m also having trouble inserting quotes today.

Same issue here!

Same issue for me too

The most recent Paperpile update doesn’t fix the issue for me yet, now the Paperpile search dialog box shows up for a split second and then its contents disappear, so it still can’t be used.

@Sven_Heinz @Wilfried_Haerty @Christiana_Scheib @Gabriela_Remonatto_g Thank you for your reports, which I’ve passed on to the team. When this issue occurred in 2021, it took a few days to resolve, so we appreciate your patience. You can use the Google Docs sidebar add-on as a temporary alternative. I will share any updates I have on this thread.

The team was able to address this issue over the weekend, so things should be back to normal for all – please don’t hesitate to reach out again otherwise, or if there’s anything else.

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@suzanne I can confirm that it is now working for me. Many thanks to the team for all their work in resolving this issue

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Hi, I am facing same issue while adding citation in google docs. Paperpile dialog box comes for less than a second and then disappears. Is this issue can be resolved?

Thank you for your report @Revathy_Nandakumar. I have made the team aware of the issue you are having and if we need any additional information from you, we’ll let you know.

Hi , I have the same problem I think that the problem start after I upgrade my google account , how can i solve it

Welcome to our forum, @Juan_Martin_Alfonso! Is this still the case? An update of the extension was released yesterday, and should have taken care of any issues on this front. Let us know.

Having this problem again - the add reference pop up will wink out of existence after a variable amount of time, maybe a tenth of a second to three seconds. It makes the service unusable and I have deadlines tmmr.

Welcome to the forum @Cognition_InADish and I’m sorry for the inconvenience. To help you complete your work for your deadline, you can use the Google Docs sidebar add-on, which will help you insert your citations.